Wardrobe Upgrades for Under $20

What’s up fashionistas! Are you enjoying the beginning of the holiday season? I am! We’ve been doing holiday-themed therapy all week at work and it’s made me so happy! I’ve also been playing Christmas music- my students don’t mind at all! Welcoming the holiday season has also brought temperatures ranging from the 60s-80s (in the same day, because: TEXAS). This gave me a very bad (for my wallet) desire to update my wardrobe. Truth be told, this always happens to […]

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My Christmas Wish List and Gift Guide for Her

Happy Thanksgiving Week, friends! There are about a million things I should be taking care of today, but I chose to enjoy my first day of break and watch the Hallmark Channel. It’s been a great day, so far! Taking a break from the rush of the holidays also gave me time to finalize my Christmas wish list and gift guide for her for y’all! Before we get into it, I have to say that I am so happy to […]

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Sephora Sale 2019

The most wonderful time of the year is just around the corner and that means the beginning of all of the best sales! The first of which is the SEPHORA SALE! This was one of the first posts on the blog last year and I can’t believe I’m covering it again! This year, I thought I’d share three products that I have RECENTLY added to my make-up bag (one is an old favorite and the 2 others are new!) and […]

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Sephora Summer Bonus Sale Picks

This sale caught me completely by surprise! I actually thought it was next week, but  when I was watching my favorite you tube videos on Monday morning, I realized that I was a week behind. If that’s any indication of how my month is going…YIKES! Anyway, the Sephora Summer Bonus Sale is another opportunity for VIB and VIB Rouge members to receive a discount on their favorite products!

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NSale Try-On Haul and Collages

Good morning, my friends! I hope your weekend went so well, and I am so thankful that y’all forgave me for not posting this on Friday! Miguel and I had a great weekend at the beach and even though he went back to work today, it was a nice little getaway! We fished, sat like beach bums in the sand, swam in the SERIOUSLY clear ocean water and Miguel’s got to eat at Pier 19 for the first time! He […]

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