Home Office Must Haves

Oh look- another blog post about work from home life! Ha! If it seems like working from home has taken over my life- it has. It took me a while to get myself set up in my less than impressive home office. I’ve posted about it before on the gram, but I’ve never gone into true detail about what it is I put into creating a functional office space. That’s why I figured this brief post about what I have added and accumulated to make my office space a comfortable space that I want to be in for 8 hours a day would be pretty helpful!AlyandtheValley_HomeOffice5 Continue Reading“Home Office Must Haves”

Love the One you Hate

I’ve been in need for a good book. WFH has meant taking in new information every day, so when R.S. Grey announced her latest book, I welcomed the distraction from reality.  This book, although set in present day, took me to another time period. If you loved Downton Abbey then you’ll love this book. If I had had the time, I would’ve finished this book in a few hours. Before I knew it, I was halfway through and sad that it would end soon! I’ll leave you with the synopsis and LINK to the book on amazon!

Continue Reading“Love the One you Hate”

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Since April dragged on and flew by all at the same time I totally spaced on putting together a Mother’s Day Post for y’all! My apologies to the mommies! I put together a quick little guide for all of my late shoppers! Don’t worry about shipping time- most things are taking about a week to arrive or are available for store pick up! Never underestimate store pick up! Prior to all of this I was thinking of doing a whole blog post on my love for store pick-up…maybe now is still a good time for that?IMG_1685 Continue Reading“Mother’s Day Gift Ideas”

100th Blog Celebration: 10 Things I’ve Learned from Having a Blog

*insert confetti and champagne pops!*

I did it, guys! I’ve officially published 100 blog posts! Can you believe it? I sure can’t. I was speaking to someone the other day about the first days following my first published blog post. I remember the days when not one person would look at my website in a day and I would be crushed (it still happens sometimes, but it’s fine). I remember the first post got 300 views and I was AMAZED! I remember going from 500 followers on instagram to the 3300 I have now. I have goals of collaborations. Some have been met,  some that are still in the process.  I’m still dying for that swipe up feature on instagram. Overall, I have had a REALLY fun time. I’ve learned a lot about myself, a lot about people and have gotten opportunities that I could have only dreamed of. I am so blessed to have a voice that is heard by a few thousand people every day (I’ve been doing lots of speech therapy today- if you’re wondering where my inspiration for that sentence came from, ha!)IMG_7911 Continue Reading“100th Blog Celebration: 10 Things I’ve Learned from Having a Blog”

Social Distancing To-Do List

Happy Friday Lovelies! It’s officially been about a month since we’ve been practicing social distancing and I feel like I have found myself picking up new hobbies, getting in more hours of sleep (it’s easy when there’s no commute!), and I’ve also done a whole lot of organizing and self-care! That’s why I figured I would let you take a look at my social distancing to-do list! I’ve scratched off most of the things on this list and with each item I scratch off, I feel more at peace! AlyandtheValley_SocialDistancingToDo491 Continue Reading“Social Distancing To-Do List”