Sephora Holiday Savings Event 2020

Don´t ya just love a good sale? Especially when things that are rarely on sale FINALLY get a discount! Tomorrow is the the first day the Sephora Holiday Sale! It’s the perfect time to stock up on old favorites, get started on Christmas shopping, and maybe snag something for yourself! I’m going to share my picks from this year’s Sephora Holiday Savings Event! Continue Reading“Sephora Holiday Savings Event 2020”

Wal-Mart Try-On Haul

Happy Sunday, lovelies. Y’all, I have to figure something out. I am so not into fighting with my laptop every Sunday, but it’s just what seems to be happening when I try to be a YouTuber. Regardless, I THINK this is going to work out! Last month, I purchased a lot of goodies from Wal-Mart because history has shown that y’all love a budget find! I’m in the same boat especially because I like changing it up! I hope y’all enjoy my Wal-Mart Try-On Haul!

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South Texas Staycation: Castroville & Fredricksburg

I am currently on my way home from my latest South Texas Staycation, but I felt it the perfect opportunity to bring you the goodness of my last staycation! A few weekends back, my mom, sister, and niece and I all traveled up to Central Texas to celebrate my mom’s 60th birthday. It was a girl’s trip so it was very relaxing and very little focus on doing A LOT in a short amount of time! My travel VLOG is on my you tube channel now, so go check it out if you love a visual experience!

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Styling Spanx Faux Leather Leggings

Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a great and restful weekend! I cannot believe how quickly the weeks are flying by. We’re halfway through October! I’ve already been keeping my eyes peeled for Christmas gifts and a part of me is so proud and the other part thinks I’m crazy! Am I the only one with Christmas on the brain?! I’ve been so inspired to style up pieces I own in different ways. Y’all know I love my Spanx faux leather leggings and I’ve styled them up a few times. Check out the latest way below! Continue Reading“Styling Spanx Faux Leather Leggings”

Friday Five: Ft. The Dress you Need Now

WHAT A WEEK! My mind stopped working at around 2 and my articulators (I’m sorry, I can only talk speech to you right now!) fully gave out at around 3:30 in the middle of a meeting. It’s fine. It’s cool. Most importantly, it’s over. I am cozied up in bed watching at least one episode of Emily in Paris and I am thrilled! I am also excited to bring you another Friday Five! Like I said, it’s hard to compile a full on blog post, but this gives me an opportunity to give you all of the highlights of my week! I’m gonna get started with the dress YOU NEED NOW before it sells out! Continue Reading“Friday Five: Ft. The Dress you Need Now”