A part of me feels like I am late to the game when it comes to making gift guides. As much as I love Christmas I really want to soak up and enjoy as many holidays as I can! They´re the best part of this whole year!! A few blogger gal pals and I wanted to give you one last dose of Thanksgiving outfit inspo and I felt it fitting to transition from Thanksgiving to Christmas with a few posts that share both! As the cherry on top of this post, I’ll be telling you what’s on my list this year! Continue Reading“My Christmas Wish List 2020”
How to get your Dining Room for a Dinner Party
Let me just preface with: I am not a master of the “Dinner Party.” In fact, the thought of hosting stresses me out. I’ve been told I’m not bad at it, but always feel like I’m not good enough- type 3 on the enneagram, anyone? For better or for worse, I got my dining room ready for a cutie dinner party with family or friends! Continue Reading“How to get your Dining Room for a Dinner Party”
Toiletry 19 Unboxing You Tube Video
Happy Monday, friends! I never promised to be completely faithful to my Sunday posting timeline. In facts, In fact, I probably warned y’all that it wouldn’t be too consistent. I’m going to shoot for Sunday again this week, but no promises!!! Anyway, I have been feeling so icky today and it the lack of energy gave me the perfect opportunity to sit my behind down and edit my Toiletry 19 Unboxing Video!
Thanksgiving 2020 Outfit Ideas
It wasn’t until yesterday that I realized that Thanksgiving is right around the corner! I’m not ready for a 5k that my family will be doing the day before the big day- we’re calling it a Huffin’ for the Stuffin’ instead of a Turkey Trot because it’s MUCH LESS graceful, ha! I am ready for the cooking and the eating though! I definitely come from one of those families that gets dressed up to sit in the living room, so I already have my outfit set! I’ll probably be wearing this dress with some heels and a headband (a la Blair Waldorf) since I never got to wear the dress out! Lucky for y’all it’s available again in some sizes! Some of y’all may be putting the finishing touches on your outfits or are just looking for a cute top to pair with leggings, so I rounded up my Thanksgiving 2020 Outfit Ideas! I got some casual dresses and some fancier ones also- I KNOW some of y’all are taking full advantage of the holiday!
First Trader Joe’s Haul!
Hello hello! A few weeks back, I visited San Antonio and convinced my wonderful husband to take me to Ikea and Trader Joe’s! I had so much fun picking up the goodies at Trader Joe’s that I was inspired to do a little haul for y’all on my YOU TUBE channel!