2018: A Year in Review

I live my life in semesters and seasons.  Mainly because I work in the school district setting, but also because I do best with short term goals.  Attainable goals.  I’ve made plenty of ambitious long-term goals (I swear, every year, I’m going to train for a half-marathon, haha), but I always end up disappointed when my goal wasn’t achieved by the end of the year.

This year I’ve decided to only look back on what I’ve done GREAT.  Instead of beating myself up for what I didn’t accomplish (again or for the first time), I’m going to look at what I did well, and what I’m proud of myself for. I’m also going to share my goals for 2019.  A little sneak peak: They are direct tie-ins to my accomplishments in 2018.  Why? Because it is my theory (and maybe we’ll laugh right before 2020 if/when I’m totally wrong, haha) that I will find more success in enhancing the things I’ve done well, and the things I’ve done well will take me in new directions IF I allow them to! I could be v wrong or v right…stay tuned to see!

Things I Did Well in 2018

  1.  Adapted to Change- I hate change. I thrive on a schedule and live for a to-do list being completely scratched off, but life doesn’t always play out exactly how I write it down in my calendar.  This year, I lost a huge part of my heart, became a wife, and had my toughest semester at work yet.  Each of these took time and mental strength (being responsible for a whole household is a HUGE job, props to stay-at-home mommies!) and patience and access to appropriate outlets for my frustration.  But I’m here. I’M STILL HERE.  Through prayer and tears and very inappropriate laughter (at times), I’m here. I’ve always known that God will not put you through anything you cannot handle. I referred back to this so many times this year that I cannot deny its truth and have to share those sentiments with everyone I know.  I am here. I changed. I adapted. I am better.
  2. I Started Something New- Did I mention I hate change? I swear, I do.  But I think because there was so much change forced upon me early on in this year, self-motivated change was a little easier to initiate.

As you know, I started this wonderful blog after years of putting it on hold and being too afraid.  This was HUGE! I have to say it has definitely been a positive outlet for my creativity.  The nerve for this blog also stemmed from me doing more for myself this year.  I actively made myself get out this summer and DO.  I did everything, I brunched, I did yoga, I did pilates, I shopped, I traveled.  I definitely like to play it safe, and this year I made all the effort to get out.

This year, I also learned how to live with my significant other. My words of wisdom to engaged or newly married ladies: A husband is a roommate that you are not required to (but somehow are willing to) help with household chores.  If I don’t, he’ll still love me, unconditionally.  If I do, I’m a great teammate, partner, and it allows us more time as a couple.  Living with a significant other is different and was SO NEW for me.

3.  Active Relaxation- No, not walking instead of running for one day a week. This year, I allowed myself to take time to relax.  I watched my shows, I read new books, I slept in, and didn’t beat myself up for it later. I’m a workaholic and must always be absorbing new information or producing work, but I have learned to allow myself to relax.  Self care, it’s real, y’all.



At this point, I genuinely feel like the word resolution has a similar sentiment to  the saying, “new year, new me.” It’s kind of serious…kind of a joke.  Instead of making resolutions, I’m going to make a list of guidelines for myself.  Only one is an actual attainable goal, but the rest are things that I will have a choice to keep up with or let them fall by the wayside.

1. Run a 5k: I feel like being able to run 3 miles at any time should be something a 27-year-old should be able to do, haha.  So it’s my goal.  If you have any tips or plans you successfully followed, please send them my way.  If SOMETHING works for me, I will definitely share.

2. Keep on Reading- I feel like I read more books for my personal enjoyment this year than I have read in the past 5 years.  It was such a good feeling, and I even balanced reading novels and self-help books.  That was a huge accomplishment for me, and I’m going to continue with it in 2019.  Maybe actually follow a reading list.  With a guideline rather than resolution, the possibilities are endless.

3. Blog More Consistently- Can you tell I’ve been on vacation? I’ve really enjoyed being able to put out content for y’all these past couple of days, and with the most wonderful Christmas gift of a new camera from my cutie husband, I have no reason to no follow this guideline.

4. Save for a new car- My current SUV has carried me through college, grad school, and the first parts of my career.  I don’t see the need for a new car yet, but I know it’ll be wise to simulate a car payment for a while before I take the plunge.  #adulting101

5. Eat Healthy…at least on the Weekdays- I used to be great at maintaining balance with the food I put in my body!  I’ve done a Whole 30 before, and would love to do another, but don’t feel like I’m ready for that.  Maybe Whole 30-approved recipes? I’m also a huge fan of Skinny Taste Cookbooks! IMG_2412.jpgOutfit Details: 

Buffalo Plaid Vest(my favorite) black long sleeve. Black Skinnies.Black Booties (similar, that I want)BeltSimilar

Now, let’s talk about one more outfit for the year 2018! I REALLY wanted this look for a Christmas card shoot, but Miguel and I had the craziest schedules at the end of November and throughout December it just didn’t happen! I ended up wearing this outfit to work and my niece’s winter Festival, where I ran across a field in 4 inch heels to watch her perform  a dance routine to “Run, Run Rudolph.” It was v casual. She killed it!

I cannot thank y’all enough for joining me on this journey in 2018.  I FEEL IT IN MY BONES that 2019 is going to be a good one, and I am thrilled to find out why and what lies ahead.  My last request for y’all is to please share what you did well in 2018 and what your want in 2019 in the comments below, on my instagram, or on my facebook page! It’ll mean the world to me and I am dying to know who y’all are looking forward to becoming in 2019! Cheers to another great year, my friends!



2 thoughts on “2018: A Year in Review

  1. Love your Year in Review! I can totally hook you up with a 5K plan! My plans for this year are to find a destination marathon to train for and compete in.

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