
Perfectly Priscilla Boutique Try-On Haul: 2 dresses, 3 ways

Thank you so much to Perfectly Priscilla for sponsoring the items in this post! All opinions and recommendations are my own.  Happy Wednesday, lovelies! These “work from home” weeks just fly by! I cannot believe we are more than halfway through the week! If you saw my stories last week, you know that I am SO SO excited about the two dresses that Perfectly Priscilla sent me! They are absolutely gorgeous and versatile in so many ways! So many so […]

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Valentine’s Day with SheIn

I am not usually one to dress up for holidays other than Christmas, but this year I have been in a lovey dovey mood and have been wearing something v-day themed almost every day this week. my favorite thing about dressing for Valentine’s Day is that you can be sassy or sweet! Don’t fret if you and your loved ones or gal pals won’t be able to get together today or this weekend, sometimes all you need to do is […]

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Building A Work Wardrobe

This has been one of the most HIGHLY requested blog posts from my instagram DMs.  I’m pretty glad though because putting this post together has led me to up my game in the business casual department. Building a work wardrobe can be overwhelming because you have to take in different factors depending on your work environment. For my job, I have some days that are STRICTLY business casual and others where they lean more towards casual and there are some […]

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