New Skincare: Derma-E Vitamin C

I’m pretty routine when it comes to skincare and I rarely stray from my favorites even after receiving products to try. Recently, I was gifted these products from Derma-E that primarily focus on providing Vitamin C to the skin.  I’ve tried four different products over the course of 20 days and I think I’m in love.

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At-Home Fit Tips

I feel like there are two groups of people emerging during this time of social distancing. There are a few people who are bored out of their minds and looking for a new hobby, maybe it’s tik-tok, maybe it’s gardening or organizing your home- please continue, I’m very intrigued. Then, there’s a group of people that have found themselves bathed in sweat. Who would’ve thought that I, Ms. eats-her-weight-in-food-everywhere-she-travels, would be part of the latter.  I am not a huge fan of working out. Never have been. I danced for the majority of my life and I didn’t consider that a workout as much as a I considered it fun. Somehow, I have found myself waking up early enough to get a workout in or squeezing one in during my lunch hour. I still have yet to make a tik-tok and my organization skills are a little sub-par, so I thought I’d share all of the at-home fit tips  I’m LOVING right now!

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March Favorites

March was the second January of this year and I’m sorry to say that I’m glad it’s over. Regardless, there were a few things that I found myself loving over this never-ending month and I’ve shared a few of them with you on the gram, but there are a few that I haven’t gone into too much detail on, so I thought I’d do it now!IMG_1031 Continue Reading“March Favorites”

Aly and the Valley x Bare Glow Skin & Body

Happy Thursday, Lovelies! We are more than halfway through another week! I feel like I have gotten into a better groove when it comes to my work schedule! I’ve even been working out more lately (YOU KNOW if you’ve been on my instagram lately)! I’ll talk more about that later! Today, I’m actually not going to be writing much, but talking…in a video. Continue Reading“Aly and the Valley x Bare Glow Skin & Body”