
Fall/Winter Fashion Picks

Happy Thursday, friends! This is actually going to be a quickie blog because I was SO INSPIRED by the pieces, I had to show them to you ASAP! Also, this cold front Texas is experiencing needs to be commemorated. These fall/winter fashion picks should get you through the rest of the holiday season!

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Pearl Combat Booties

Happy Saturday, lovelies! I am having my first baby shower for baby girl today! All week, I’ve been sharing different influencers with y’all on instagram and we’ve been sharing our favorite combat boot styles. I, of course, had been looking for a more feminine twist on combat boots and stumbled upon some pearl styles. Mine are a bit of a splurge (I bought them during the Nsale), so I put together some other options for y’all!

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Gender Reveal: Baby T is a…

If you follow along on instagram, you 100% know the gender of Baby T. I had originally wanted to hold out from making a full announcement to the world until I was able to edit this video, but we just COULD NOT WAIT! Naturally, editing this video got put off- haha! For our gender reveal, we went with a “What’s the Scoop” theme. I absolutely love sprinkles and snacks, so it was a no-brainer!  I know y’all are dying to […]

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