Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2022 | My Sale Picks

Let’s give an update! Today is the last week of the Nsale and I officially got all of my pieces in and have decided what I’m keeping and what I’m sending home! Check out the you tube video below and see how everything fits!

As far as coverage goes, this sale has not gone exactly as I planned. I’m trying to give myself grace, but it’s hard not to be a little disappointed in myself for not managing things better. It’s fine, I’ve had a wonderful summer and only have two weeks left of it!

The main purpose of this try on haul is to give y’all a “real person’s” view on the sale and the fit of the pieces on someone with a curvier body. I can’t even share my true sizes with y’all right now because I don’t actually know. Regardless, I think this little video will help out a ton of y’all!

If you’re expecting I recommend checking out last year’s video. And of course, the year before that is great for inspo as well!


First Day of the Sale

What a night, y’all! My #nsale shopping and content creation has been off to a rough start so far. I didn’t plan how I usually do for this sale. I feel like I’m still so out of whack from this school year, not to mention, balancing my life as a new mommy. Regardless, I didn’t expect for my entire order to be canceled within an order of placing it! More on that later. Today, I’m sharing what I’m buying from the Nordstrom Anniversary sale this year. I am not purchasing anything I’ve purchased before- well, with one exception (shoes, duh!). I think I’ve purchased a great base for my wardrobe. I’m also in a season of not purchasing things I don’t absolutely need or absolutely love. With that being said, when it comes to styling this year, you will see older versions of pieces, but I will be sharing updated links for you to have!

Back to my story. I’ve been so scattered brained (Cue all the mommy friends chanting, “Girl, same”) lately and have bee putting aside so many things. Well, this one thing came to bite me in  the butt last night! My Nordstrom Credit Card had expired…in APRIL! Hahahaha! I joked with my family that night that I’d have a million e-mails canceling parts of my order in the morning. Well, the e-mail cam a little sooner than expected. I am thanking God for keeping my optimism intact because I simply thought, “well, less money spent.” Luckily, I was able to locate my “pushed to the side” new card and re-order. I didn’t get everything I ordered the first time, but same sentiment as above. I’m taking it as a good reminder of, “things are just things.”

How I shopped this year:

I strayed away from the typical Nsale items this year. Mostly because I have a majority of them and don’t need to replace yet. That is what I love about this sale- the majority of the “favorites” are favorites for a reason. I don’t need new Faux leather leggings because mine are in tip top shape. I didn’t buy another barefoot dreams blanket– yet. I’ve bought one every year (usually as a gift). I tried really hard to get myself ready for the school year.

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Hopefully, my you tube try-on haul does all of these goodies justice and gives y’all a good idea of what the sale has to offer this year! I’m going to try my. Very best to do a haul of pieces I’ve already purchased through the years! send me productive vibes, friends! If you have any questions about any of the pieces, let me know! I’d be happy to answer!

Love & Shopaholic Problems,
