I have always wanted a save v. splurge on this page and may have done it indirectly, but I’ve never dedicated a whole post to it and I think this is something I really want to bring to y’all more often. The main part of this post will take place on Instagram stories (head over there to get more details), but I decided to make a blog post about it so y’all can have an easier way to access the links! Today, I’ll be sharing 2 pairs of shoes and 1 pair of sunnies that you can choose to save or splurge on!
The first shoe that I want to show y’all is the Chanel Slingback. I am SO lucky to say that (with the help of my super awesome Brother-In-Law!) I have the Splurge version and I love how classic they look. I’ve worn them with skirts and slacks as well as a classic pair of jeans. Spending a few cool hundred on a pair of shoes isn’t easy, luckily there are several version of this shoe available to y’all!

Next, are the Gucci loafers I guess you can say that I’m a big fan of the classics, ha! I have two different save versions of this shoe! My Steve Madden slides are pink and my target version have changed since purchased them, but are still a great and affordable version! I also threw in a fun leopard version from amazon!
The splurge or save I have for y’all are these pearl sunnies! I consider them a save version of the GORGEOUS Chanel sunnies of my dreams! Y’all know I love pearls and I wear these almost every day. I totally aspire to have the Chanel Sunnies one day (I may have to shop Tradesy for them), but for now these are totally making my summer sunnies dreams come true!

I hope y’all loved this version of save v. splurge! If you want more of these, just let me know your requests in the comments below!