I’m a notorious failure at diets. I think I’ve told y’all about a thousand times that I’m starting a new workout regime or this new eating fad. It’s hard for me. I love pizza and chocolate (which reminds me, someone tell my husband I want lots of chocolate for V-day!). This is why I’ve been a little hesitant (for me anyway) to share that I’ve been trying to follow weight watchers.
Weight watchers gets some heat for their use of pre-packaged processed foods, but for the most part I’ve been focusing on eating as “clean” as I can. It’s been pretty amazing, but my sweet tooth has suffered. I LOVE chocolate, y’all. I’m a one (small) piece of chocolate a day person. I can stop. I have CONTROL. However, a Ferrero Rocher (JUST ONE) is THREE POINTS. It breaks my heart every time i think about it. So I’ve been staying away from chocolate and all of it’s amazingness because i cannot fathom wasting all those points on a bite size candy.
Lucky for me, I am a “blogger” and got offered to apply for a campaign for Fiber One Brownies. O.M.G. I love a brownie. Let me reiterate…I love chocolate. However, I’ve tried these diet foods. These diet candies and ice cream and they are just so sad. I searched up the brownies on my weight watchers app and discovered one brownie was two points. I figured it would be a TEENY TINY bite-size brownie. When i got accepted, i figured these would be great for my purse. A little (emphasis on little) snack in between work and home. When I got my fiber one box I realized I WAS SO WRONG.
Inside the normal sized blue packaging with all of these delicious health stats (2g of sugar being my favorite one) was a soft, cakey, ICED, chewy, chocolate chip BROWNIE! My little chocolate loving heart was thrilled. The biggest takeaway I’ve had with indulging while following WW is “is it worth it?” Is this brownie worth the 2 points to me? Yes. It is. If you’re a calorie counter or carb watcher, there are only 70 calories and 5g of net carbs per bar, which isn’t that bad IMO.
I snagged both my brownies and this shirt (that defines my outlook on life and workouts) during a quick target run. The shirt is on sale for $9, which is such a steal! I plan on wearing it for workouts and maybe under a chambray top for an errand day. I’m also linking the dupes (under $20) for my leopard Adidas (size down a 1/2 size) AND a new pair that I WISH I NEEDED!
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I have already started to search for a low cal/point version ice cream to pair these brownies with. I love to indulge, so I might as well be a TINY bit smarter about it! I know that it’s pretty hilarious to share a whole blog post about a snack, but that’s just where my head is right now! Have you heard of tried these brownies before? Are you interested in hearing more about my dieting trials and tribulations, haha! Happy Weekend, lovelies!